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Organization type International organizations
Name Council of Europe
Acronym CE
Address F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
City Strasbourg
Country France
Phone number +33 3 88 41 20 33
Fax number +33 3 88 41 27 45
E-mail address infopoint@coe.int
Homepage www.coe.int
Year of establishment 1949
Areas of expertise democracy and human rights
regional arrangements
rule of law
Working languages English
French (Français)
Published materials 1789/1992 - Human rights in Europe : European teachers' seminar (16-19 May 1989 : Amiens, France) / Martine Abdallah-Pretceille.

1789/1992 - les droits de l'homme en Europe : se´minaire europe´en d'enseignants (16-19 mai 1989 : Amiens, France) / Martine Abdallah-Pretceille.

Action to combat intolerance and xenophobia in the activities of the Council of Europe's Council for Cultural Co-operation : 1969-1989 / Antonio Perotti.

Adopted texts on education for democratic citizenship and human rights (revised version) = Textes adopte´s sur l'e´ducation a` la citoyennete´ de´mocratique et aux droits de l'homme (version re´vise´e).

All-European study on education for democratic citizenship policies.

L'audiovisuel troisie`me dimension e´ducative : se´minaire europe´en d'enseignants, 17-19 avril 1991 : Bruxelles / S. Ghodsi.

Basic concepts and core competencies for education for democratic citizenship / Franc¸ois Audigier.

Cartoon books against intolerance : starting points for working with young people on responses to intolerance.

Citizenship education : European teachers' course, 30 October-4 November 1994 : Uppsala, Sweden / Ken Fogelman.

Citizenship education in secondary education : European teachers' seminar, 60th European teachers' seminar : 14-19 Juin 1993 : Donaueschingen, Germany / Don Rowe.

Civic education : teaching about society, passing on values : 57th European teachers' seminar, 12-17 October 1992, Donaueschingen, Germany / Franc¸ois Audigier.

Companion : a campaign guide about education and learning for change in diversity, human rights and participation / edited and co-written by Ellie Keen.

Compasito : manual on Human Rights education for children / edited and co-written by Nancy Flowers.

Compass : a manual on human rights education with young people / written by Patricia Brander ...[et al.].

La Convention europe´enne des droits de l'homme : points de de´part pour les enseignants.

Debout pour les droits de l'homme!

Democratic governance of schools / Elisabeth Ba¨ckman and Bernard Trafford.

La dimension religieuse de l'e´ducation interculturelle.

Directory of Human Rights Institutes in member States of the Council of Europe.

Directory of summer schools and other university courses in human rights.

Documentation sources in human rights.

Domino : a manual to use peer group education as a means to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and intolerance.

Les droits de l'homme dans les prisons : la formation professionnelle du personnel pe´nitentiaire : actes du se´minaire, Strasbourg, France, 7-9 Juillet 1993.

Les droits de l'homme et la police : actes du se´minaire, Strasbourg, 6-8 de´cembre 1995.

L'e´ducation a` la citoyennete´ : se´minaire europe´en d'enseignants, 30 octobre - 4 novembre 1994 : Uppsala, Sue`de / Ken Fogelman.

L'e´ducation interculturelle : se´minaire europe´en d'enseignants sur "l'e´ducation interculturelle" Londres, 20-25 mars 1989 / Carl-Axel Sparrman et Michael Williams.

Education a` la citoyennete´ de´mocratique : les politiques et les instruments le´gislatifs / rapport de Karen O'Shea.

Education a` la citoyennete´ mondiale : exemples de bonnes pratiques d'e´ducation a` la solidarite´ internationale en Europe.

Education and tolerance in multi-cultural groups : 63rd Teachers' seminar, Donaueschingen, Germany, 2-7 May 1994 / Pieter Batelaan.

L'éducation aux droits de l'homme dans les e´coles pre´-e´le´mentaires : 40e`me se´minaire du Conseil de l'Europe pour enseignants, Donaueschingen, Re´publique Fe´de´rale d'Allemagne, 20-25 juin 1988 / Martine Abdallah-Pretceille.

L'e´ducation aux droits de l'homme dans une perspective mondiale : se´minaire europe´en d'enseignants (9-14 aou^t 1987 : Are, Sue`de) / Sanchia Pearse.

L'e´ducation aux me´dias dans l'enseignement secondaire en Europe : se´minaire du Conseil de l'Europe pour enseignants ,59e`me se´micaire : 10-15 mai 1993 : Donaueschingen, Allemagne / Evelyne Bevort.

Education civique : enseigner la socie´te´ transmettre des valeurs : 57e`me se´minaire du Conseil de l'Europe pour enseignants, 12-17 octobre 1992 : Donaueschingen, Allemagne / Franc¸ois Audigier.

Education des enfants roms en Europe : textes et activite´s du Conseil de l'Europe en matie`re d'e´ducation.

L'e´ducation et les droits de l'homme : bibliographie des documents du Conseil de l'Europe.

Education for democratic citizenship : a lifelong learning perspective / Ce´sar Bi^rzea.

Education for democratic citizenship : consultation meeting, 24-25 June 1996 : Strasbourg, France / Ce´sar Bi^rzea.

Education for democratic citizenship : policies and regulatory frameworks / seminar report by Karen O'Shea.

Education for global citizenship : examples of good practice in global education in Europe.

Education in human rights and peace : issues and guidelines for teaching : European teacher's seminar, 9-15 July 1995 : Geneva / Jean Henaire.

Education of ROMa children in Europe : texts and activities of the Council of Europe concerning education.

L'e´ducation relative aux droits de l'homme a` l'e´cole / Hugh Starkey.

L'e´ducation relative aux droits de l'homme dans les e´coles d' Europe occidentale : symposium (17-20 mai 1983 : Vienne) / Hugh Starkey.

Educational for mutual understanding in an international context : European teachers seminar Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14-20 November 1994.

L'enseignement aux minorite´s linguistiques et culturelles : se´minaire europe´en d'enseignants, 7-11 aou^t 1989 : Va¨a¨ksy, Finlande / rapporteur : Liisa Kosonen.

Enseignement de l'histoire et la promotion des valeurs de´mocratiques et de la tole´rance : manuel destine´ aux enseignants.

L'enseignement sur les droits de l'homme dans les e´coles : concepts attitudes et compe´tences / Derek Heater.

Etude paneurope´enne des politiques d'e´ducation a` la citoyennete´ de´mocratique.

Etudier les religions dans le cadre des sciences sociales a` l'e´cole : 65e`me se´minaire du Conseil de l'Europe pour enseignants : 24-29 octobre 1994 : Donaueschingen, Allemagne / Martin Palmer.

Die Europa¨ische Menschenrechtskonvention.

The European Convention on Human Rights : starting points for teachers.

The European Convention on Human Rights : starting points for teachers = La Convention europe´enne des droits de l'homme : points de de´part pour les enseignants.

European dimension and training for the service sector in technical and vocational education : 67th European teachers' seminar, 8-13 May 1995 : Donaueschingen, Germany / Maurice Bustin.

Exploring children's rights : lesson sequences for primary schools / Rolf Gollob abd Peter Krapf.

Exploring children's rights : nine short projects for primary level / Rolf Gollob abd Peter Krapf.

Formation de la police concernant les relations avec les migrants et les groupes ethniques : directives pratiques.

La formation des juges et des magistrats du parquet en Europe : actes de la re´union multilate´rale, Lisbonne, 27-28 avril 1995.

Freedom of expression : a guide to the implementation of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights / Monica Macovei.

Global education newsletter.

Histoire locale et minorite´s (avec re´fe´rence spe´ciale a` la minorite´ Tsigane) : 14-17 september 1994 : Spisska´ Nova´ Ves, Re´publique slovaque / Donald Kenrick.

History and identity : European teachers' seminar (14-19 May 1995 : Vienna) / Katharina Demel.

History teaching and the promotion of democratic values and tolerance : ‡b a handbook for teachers.

Human rights and the police : seminar proceedings, Strasbourg, 6-8 December 1995.

The human rights challenge in police practice : a reference brochure / Mark Taylor.

Human rights education : bibliography of the documents of the Council of Europe.

Human rights education : European teachers' seminar, 4-6 November 1993 : Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation / Margherita Rendel.

Human rights education in pre-primary schools : educating children to be receptive to others and to diversity in society : 40th European teachers' seminar, Donaueschingen, Germany, 20-25 June 1988 / Martine Abdallah-Pretceille.

Human rights education in schools / Hugh Starkey and Felisa Tibbitts.

Human Rights Handbooks no. 3 : The right to a fair trial / Nuala Mole and Catharina Harby.

Human rights materials in British schools / Cheryl Law and Margherita Rendel.

Intercultural learning for human rights : seminar HELD IN Klagenfurt, Austria, 28-30 October 1991.

The International basis for intercultural education including anti-racist and human rights education / compiled and introduced by Pieter Batelaan and Fons Coomans, with a preface by Theo van Boven.

Les jeunes confronte´s a` la diffe´rence : des propositions de formation / Michael Byram.

Learning and living democracy : launching conference of the 2005 European year of citizenship through education, 13-14 December 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria / conference report by David Kerr.

Let's be careful out there! : police and human rights.

Living in democracy : EDC/HRE lesson plans for lower secondary level / edited by Rolf Gollob abd Peter Krapf.

Local history and minorities : with special reference to the Gypsy minority, 14-17 september 1994 : Spisska´ Nova´ Ves, Slovak Republic / Donald Kenrick.

Mate´riel d'enseignement des droits de l'homme dans les e´coles britanniques / Cheryl Law and Margherita Rendel.

Place de l'e´ducation aux me´dias audiovisuels dans les plans d'e´tudes : se´minaire europe´en d'enseignants, 28-30 avril 1993 : Chaumont-Neucha^tel, Suisse / S. Ghodsi.

The place of audiovisual media education in curricula : European teacher's seminar, 28-30 April 1993 : Chaumont-Neucha^tel, Switzerland / S. Ghodsi.

Police training concerning migrants and ethnic relations : practical guidelines.

Policing in a democratic society : is your police service a human rights champion?

A preliminary survey of human rights education and training in the member states of the Council of Europe and states with special guest status.

Re´duction de la violence a` l'e´cole - un guide pour le changement / Coordination Chris Gittins.

The religious dimension of intercultural education.

Religious diversity and intercultural education : a reference book for schools / editor John Keast.

Re´pertoire des Universite´s d'e´te´ et autres cours universitaires sur les droits de l'homme.

The right to liberty and security of the person : a guide to the implementation of article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights / Monica Macovei.

The right to property : a guide to the implementation of article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights / Monica Carss-Frisk.

The school : a democratic learning community : the all-European study on pupil's participation in school / Karlheinz Du¨rr.

School provision for gypsy and traveller children : distance learning and pedagogical follow-up : European teachers' seminar, Aix-en-Provence, France, 10-13 December 1990 / Jean-Pierre Lie´geois.

The sciences ethics human rights and education : 48th European seminar for teachers : 25-30 June 1990 : Donaueschingen, Germany / Francine Best.

Sciences e´thique droits de l'homme et e´ducation : 48e`me se´minaire europe´en d'enseignants : 25-30 juin 1990 : Donaueschingen, Re´publique Fe´de´rale d'Allemagne / Francine Best.

La scolarisation des enfants tsiganes et voyageurs : enseignement a` distance et suivi pe´dagogique : se´minaire europe´en d'enseignants, Aix-en-Provence, France, 10-13 de´cembre 1990 / Jean-Pierre Lie´geois.

Les sites de citoyennete´ : engagement, participation et partenariats / Liam Carey et Keith Forrester.

Sites of citizenship : empowerment, participation and partnerships / Liam Carey and Keith Forrester.

Socialisation of school children and their education for democratic values and human rights : report of the Colloquy of Directors of Educational Research Institutions held in Ericeira (Portugal) on 17-20 October 1989.

Sources de documentation en matie`re de droits de l'homme.

Stand up now for human rights! / Cherryl Law.

Strategies for interculturally-oriented civics teaching at primary and secondary level : teacher training seminar, Timisoara, Romania, 17-20 December 1993 / Ce´sar Bi^rzea.

Strategies for learning democratic citizenship.

Strate´gies pour une e´ducation civique dans une perspective interculturelle aux niveaux de l'enseignement primaire et secondaire : symposium final, Timisoara, Romanie, 7-11 de´cembre 1994 / Ce´sar Bi^rzea, rapporteur ge´ne´ral.

Studying religions in social science at school : 65th European teachers' seminar, 24-29 October 1994 : Donaueschingen, Germany / Martin Palmer.

Teacher education in Europe : achievements, trends and prospects : 4th Prague forum, 21-23 November 2005.

The teaching of linguistic and cultural minorities : European teachers' seminar, 7-11 August 1989 : Va¨a¨ksy, Finland / rapporteur : Liisa Kosonen.

The right to respect for private and family life : a guide to the implementation of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights / Ursula Kilkelly.

Tool for quality assurance of education for democratic citizenship (EDC) in schools : final draft / Ce´sar Bi^rzea .

Tool on teacher training for education for democratic citizenship and human rights education / writers: Rolf Gollob [et. al.] ; edited by Edward Huddleston, Angela Garabagiu.

Towards intercultural education - training for teachers of gypsy pupils : report of the European Teachers' Seminar, 9-13 June 1989 : Benidorm, Spain / Jean-Pierre Lie´geois.

The training of judges and prosecutors in matters relating to their professional obligations and ethics : meeting of the members of the network for the exchange of information on the training of judges and prosecutors (13-15 May 1996 : Strasbourg, France).

The training of judges and public prosecutors in Europe : proceedings of multilateral meeting, lISBON, 27-28 April 1995.

Vers une pe´dagogie interculturelle - la formation des enseignants ayant des e´le`ves tsiganes : rapport du se´minaire, 9-13 juin 1989 : Benidorm, Espagne / Jean-Pierre Lie´geois.

Violence a` l'e´cole - un de´fi pour la communaute´ locale : partenariats locaux pour la pre´vention et la lutte contre la violence a` l'e´cole, confe´rence du 2 au 4 de´cembre 2002, Strasbourg.

Violence and conflict resolution in schools : a study of the teaching of interpersonal problem-solving skills in primary and secondary schools in Europe / Jamie Walker.

Violence et re´solution des conflits a` l'e´cole : une e´tude de l'enseignement des aptitudes a` re´soudre les proble`mes interpersonnels dans les e´coles primaires et secondaires en Europe / Jamie Walker.

Violence reduction in schools - how to make a difference : a handbook / co-ordinated by Chris Gittins.

Young people facing difference : some proposals for teachers / Michael Byram.

First steps in teacher training : ‡b a practical guide ("The TrainEd Kit").
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