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Organization type United Nations and specialized agencies of the UN system
Name Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Acronym OHCHR
Address 8-14 Avenue de la Paix
City 1211 Geneva 10
Country Switzerland
Phone number +41 22 917 9000
E-mail address InfoDesk@ohchr.org
Homepage www.ohchr.org
Areas of expertise human rights
Working languages English
French (Français)
Spanish (Español)
Fellowship Programme for People of African Descent, Funding opportunities
Published materials ABC : teaching human rights - practical activities for primary and secondary schools.

ABC : l'enseignement des droits de l'homme - activite´s pratiques pour les e´coles primaires et secondaires.

ABC : o ensino dos direitos do homem – actividades pra´ticas para os ensinos ba´sico e secunda´rio.

ABC : la ensen~anza de los derechos humanos - actividades pra´cticas para escuelas primarias y secundarias.

Action for the rights of children (ARC).

Capacitacio´n en materia de derechos humanos.

Co´mo hacer una denuncia por violacio´n de derechos humanos.

Compendium of National Plans of Action for Human Rights Education (including relevant excerpts from National Human Rights Action Plans).

Derechos humanos y aplicacio´n de la ley : gui´a para instructores en derechos humanos para la polici´a.

Los derechos humanos y las elecciones : manual sobre los aspectos juri´dicos, te´cnicos y de derechos humanos referentes a las elecciones.

Direitos humanos e eleic¸o~es: guia das eleic¸o~es: aspectos juri´dicos, te´cnicos e relativos aos direitos humanos.

Droits de l'homme et application des lois : guide de formation aux droits de l'homme a` l'intention des services de police.

Droits de l'homme et e´lections : guide des e´lections : aspects juridiques techniques et relatifs aux droits de l'homme.

Les droits de l'homme et la de´tention provisoire : manuel de normes internationales en matie`re de de´tention provisoire.

Formac¸a~o em direitos humanos: manual sobre a metodologia da formac¸a~o em direitos humanos.

Formation aux droits de l'homme : guide de formation a` l'intention des professionnels adultes.

From exlusion to equality : realizing the rights of persons with disabilities : handbook for parliamentarians on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol.

De l'exclusion a` l'e´galite´ : re´alite´ des droits des personnes handicape´es : guide a` l'usage des parlementaires : la Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicape´es et son Protocole facultatif.

Gui´a de las Naciones Unidas para los pueblos indi´genas.

Guide des Nations Unies pour les peuples autochtones.

Handbook on HIV and human rights for national human rights institions.

Handbook on housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons : implementing the Pinheiro principles.

HIV/AIDS : stand up for human rights.

Human rights and elections : a handbook on the legal technical and human rights aspects of elections.

Human rights and law enforcement : a manual on human rights training for the police.

Human rights and law enforcement : a trainer's guide human rights for the police.

Human rights and law enforcement : international standards and guidelines for monitoring training and advice : field guide for International Police Task force Monitors of the Peace Implementation Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and CIVPOL Officers of the United Nations Transitional Administration in Eastern Slavonia.

Human rights and pre-trial detention : a handbook of international standards relating to pre-trial detention.

Human rights and prisons : a compilation of International Human Rights Instruments concerning the Administration of Justice.

Human rights and prisons : a manual on human rights training for prison officials.

Human rights and social work : a manual for schools of social work and the social work profession.

Human rights education and human rights treaties.

Human rights education lessons for life : basic information kit no. 4

Human rights in the administration of justice : a manual on human rights for judges, prosecutors and lawyers.

Direitos humanos na administrac¸a~o da justic¸a : manual de direitos humanos para jui´zes, magistrados do ministe´rio pu´blico e advogados.

Human rights resource manual.

Human rights standards and practice for the police : expanded pocket book on human rights for the police.

Normes relatives aux droits de l'homme et leur application pratique : re´pertoire de poche a` l'intention de la police, version augmente´e.

Human rights training : a manual on human rights training methodology.

Human rights training course for diplomats at the Pakistan Foreign Service Academy, Islamabad, 9-13 February 2004.

Instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos : manuel sobre la creacio´n y el fortalecimiento de instituciones nacionales para la promocio´n y proteccio´n de los derechos humanos.

Institutions nationales pour les droits de l'homme : manuel sur la cre´ation et le renforcement d'institutions nationales pour la promotion et la protection des droits de l'homme.

Instructive for specialists of community police and human rights.

Instructivo para especialistas de polici´a-comunidad y derechos humanos.

International human rights education evaluation symposium : HRE for social change : evaluation approaches and methodologies.

Colloque international sur l'e´valuation de l'e´ducation aux droits humains : le changement social par l'EDH : approches et me´thodologies d'e´valuation.

International Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement : a pocket book on human rights for the police.

Istanbul Protocol : manual on the effective investigation and documentation of torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Los derechos humanos y la funcio´n policial : programa de promocio´n y defensa de los derechos humanos.

Los derechos humanos y las fuerzas armadas : programa de promocio´n y defensa de los derechos humanos.

Manual de preparacio´n de informes sobre los derechos humanos.

Manual on human rights reporting : under six major international human rights instruments.

The meeting of the NGOs from Eastern and Central Europe, Warsaw, 15-18 November 2000 : general report.

National human rights institutions : a handbook on the establishment and strengthening of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights.

Normativa internacional de derechos humanos para la aplicacio´n de la ley : manual de derechos humanos para la polici´a.

Normes internationales relatives aux droits de l'homme pour l'application des lois : re´pertoire de poche a` l'intention de la police.

Our right to be protected from violence : a publication of the United Nations Secretary-General's Study on Violence Against Children.

Plan of action : World Programme for Human Rights Education, first phase.

Plan d'action : programme mondial en faveur de l'e´ducation aux droits de l'homme, premie`re phase.

Plan de accio´n : programa mundial para la educacio´n en derechos humanos, primera etapa.

Protecting the rights of children in conflict with the law : programme and advocacy experiences from member organisations of the inter-agency coordination panel on juvenile justice.

Prote´ger les droits des enfants en conflit avec la loi : expe´riences innovantes des organisations membres du groupe de coordination des services consultatifs et de l'assistance technique dans le domaine de la justice des mineurs.

Regional European meeting on the World Programme for Human Rights Education (WPHRE), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 5-6 November 2007.

Re´union re´gionale europe´enne sur le Programme mondial en faveur de l'e´ducation aux droits de l'homme (PMEDH), Conseil de l'Europe, Strasbourg, 5-6 novembre 2007.

The Right to human rights education : a compilation of provisions of international and regional instruments dealing with human rights education (no. 3).

Rights through the eyes of a child.

Training manual on human rights monitoring.

UNDP training manual on human rights and sustainable human development.

The United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004) : lessons for life.

United Nations guide for indigenous peoples.

United Nations guide for minorities.