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Nom Distance Learning Diploma in Human Rights and Democracy
Type Enseignement à distance
Institution organisatrice
Centre for the Study of Human Rights. University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Fréquence Annuel
Niveau ??graduate
Objectifs To ensure the highest intellectual capacity development, in human rights and democracy to people in Sri Lanka
To make available a formal Distance Course on Human Rights and Democracy to those who have less opportunities to follow a course from a reputed university in the country.
To sensitize people on the importance of rights, responsibilities and democracy in the context of Sri Lanka.
To impart the importance of ‘creating a culture of human rights’ in the country coupled with democracy
Orientation de fond démocracie et droits de l'homme
Groupe cible Etudiants universitaires
Langue Tamil
Pays Sri Lanka
Ville Colombo
Matériels utilisés
Conditions d’admission (a) at least six passes at the G.C.E. (Ordinary Level) Examination or its equivalent with at least three years’ work experience in the field of Human Rights and /Democracy, OR

(b) 3 passes at the G.C.E. (Advanced Level) examination or its equivalent, with at least one year’s work experience in the field of Human Rights and /Democracy, OR

(c) A person who has work experience in the field of Human Rights and / Democracy for a period of over five years provided that she/he has obtained recommendation of the Head of any such institution in which she/he works or has worked.
Frais de scolarité/Coût du séjour Course Fee: Rs.75,000/-
Page d'accueil cshr.cmb.ac.lk/index.php/education/distance-learning-diploma-2/distance-learning-diploma/

If you wish to share with us your experience with regard to this programme, please fill out this evaluation. Please note that evaluations are for OHCHR's internal use only.

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