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Nom International Migration Law Course
Type Enseignement à distance
Institution organisatrice
International Institute of Humanitarian Law at San Remo, Italie
International Organization for Migration, Suisse
Fréquence Annuel
Niveau professionnel
Orientation de fond traite des être humains
travailleurs migrants
Groupe cible Fonctionnaires
Fonctionnaires du gouvernement
Professeurs d?université
Contenu Topics to be covered during the Course include:

Overview of International Migration Law and its Main Instruments
Migration Terminology
Authority and Responsibility of States: Nationality, Admission, Stay, Detention, Expulsion
Rights and Obligations of Migrants
Smuggling and Trafficking
Labour Migration
Migration and Security
Forced Migration
Developments in International Cooperation and
Regional Legal Frameworks Governing Migration
Langue English
Pays Italie
Ville San Remo
Méthodologie utilisée The Course will include lectures, case studies, and practical exercises led by experts in international migration law. Lectures will highlight key legal issues in migration management at the international and national levels. The participants will discuss migration law issues and explore legal solutions to current migration challenges. Case studies will provide participants with the opportunity to use their acquired knowledge and enable them to suggest responses to real life situations in accordance with IML. During the Course, IOM will provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the instruments related to rights and obligations of migrants and States.
Titre, diplôme ou certificat obtenu A certificate of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the Course.
Nombre de participants Maximum of 50 participants.
Page d'accueil iihl.org/migration-law-courses/

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