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Nom Armed Conflict, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Type Enseignement à distance
Institution organisatrice
Human Rights Education Associates, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Date de début 02/10/2019
Date de fin 12/11/2019
Objectifs This e-learning course provides participants with advanced knowledge of international humanitarian law and human rights law in armed conflicts. It puts the law of armed conflict in a larger context, traces recent developments and examines how the law responds to contemporary trends in and challenges to regulating the conduct of hostilities, mitigating the consequences of the use of armed force and protecting civilians in armed conflicts and other situations of violence and insecurity.
Orientation de fond droit humanitaire international
incidents ou conflits armés
Contenu Week 1. International humanitarian law: a refresher
Week 2. Human rights in armed conflicts
Week 3. The protection of civilians: challenges and trends
Week 4. Peace operations, human rights and humanitarian law
Week 5. Humanitarian action and humanitarian law
Week 6. International criminal jurisdiction and armed conflicts
Langue English
Pays Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Méthodologie utilisée This advanced certificate course involves approximately 30 hours of reading, interaction with students and the instructors in the Learning Forum discussion, quizzes and webinars. The course is based on a participatory, active learning approach, with an emphasis on critical reflection and peer-to-peer learning.
Enseigné par Instructor: Dr. Gerd Oberleitner
Titre, diplôme ou certificat obtenu Certificate of Participation.
Nombre de participants 25
Procédure d’inscription Apply online : http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=feivmxlab&oeidk=a07e886o3nnb6d5373c
Conditions d’admission The course is aimed at practitioners and professionals who want to gain knowledge in the field of the law of armed conflict, university students of international law, international relations, politics and other areas and NGO staff members. Participation in the HREA's International Humanitarian Law (Foundation Course) before taking this course is highly recommended. Participants should have a good written command of English and have high competence and comfort with computer and Internet use.
Bourses d’études Unfortunately, there are no scholarships available for this course.
Frais de scolarité/Coût du séjour Tuition fee for participants: US$ 575; tuition for auditors: US$ 215.
Page d'accueil www.hrea.org/learn/elearning/humanitarian-law/

If you wish to share with us your experience with regard to this programme, please fill out this evaluation. Please note that evaluations are for OHCHR's internal use only.

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