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Nom Bernstein Fellowship
Type financement
Institution organisatrice
Human Rights Watch, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Yale Law School, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Fréquence Annuel
Niveau ??postgraduate
Objectifs The Bernstein Fellowships established in honor of Robert S. Bernstein, founding chair of Human Rights Watch, provide financial support to allow two Yale Law School graduates to pursue full-time international human rights work for one year. (Please note that the Bernstein Fellowships are administered through Yale Law School. Applications for the Bernstein Fellowships should not be sent to Human Rights Watch.)
Orientation de fond droits de l'homme
Groupe cible étudiant de 3ème cycle
Langue English
Pays Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Procédure d’inscription Application must be received at the Schell Center to be considered for a fellowship beginning in the fall of the same year.
Conditions d’admission Only graduating students or recent graduates (within the last five years) of Yale Law School are eligible for the Bernstein Fellowships.
Bourses d’études Provides a stipend of approximately 55000 USD for one year, beginning in the fall.
Page d'accueil law.yale.edu/schell/fellowships/post-graduate-fellowships/bernstein-fellowships

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