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Nom CEDAW for Change
Type Ecoles d'été
Institution organisatrice
Women’s Human Rights Education Institute, Canada
Fréquence Annuel
Objectifs The CEDAW for Change Institute has been offered in Toronto and at a range of international locations since 2004. The key objective of this program is to provide participants (typically women’s organization representatives, human rights defenders, government representatives, researchers, grassroots community leaders, educators, lawyers, and more) with an understanding of human rights principles and obligations in the context of the international human rights system. We approach the CEDAW Convention as a living document and support human rights defenders in developing a deep understanding of how to apply its principles practically to support women’s equality and empowerment. This unique educational institute brings feminist perspectives and an activist orientation to the interpretation and application of human rights as a social justice tool, building links between transnational, regional, national and local activism and supporting women’s movement building.
Orientation de fond droits de la femme
Contenu Important milestones such as the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with During the training we will learn through activities focused around identity and intersectionality, the complex nature of discrimination, the impact of culture and religion on women’s rights, and activism against discrimination. We will examine case studies that have come before the CEDAW committee and will explore ways in which CEDAW can be used to support local and national level activism through the submission of Shadow Reports by NGOs, through the CEDAW Optional Protocol, and through national and local campaigns and educational initiatives. Feminist frameworks and interpretations for broadening the application of women’s human rights mechanisms to ensure a progressive agenda informed by women’s movements prepares participants to take leadership for change in their own regions, communities or organizations.
Langue English
Ville Colon
Nombre de participants This course is limited to THIRTY (30) participants
Page d'accueil learnwhr.org/programs/cedaw/

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