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Nom Disability Rights in an African context
Type Enseignement à distance
Institution organisatrice
University of Pretoria. Centre for Human Rights, Afrique du Sud
Fréquence Divers
Niveau professionnel
Date de début 11/03/2024
Date de fin 15/03/2024
Objectifs This short course is part of a series of annual advanced human rights courses offered by the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria. The course is part of the Centre’s efforts in promoting disability rights in Africa by raising awareness about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) (2006) and the newly adopted Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa (2018).
Orientation de fond handicap
Groupe cible Chercheurs Universitaires
Fonctionnaires du gouvernement
Contenu Broadly stated, the aims and objectives of the intensive course are to provide learners with knowledge and techniques that enable them to:

Understand the development of disability as a global human rights issue
Understand and apply provisions of the CRPD
Apply the CRPD to selected areas
Understand the development of disability as a human rights issue as the African regional and sub-regional levels
Understand and apply the intersection between the human rights and cultural aspects of disability in an African context
Understand and apply disability from a comparative human rights law perspective in other regions, including the European and Latin American regions
Understand and apply the regulation of disability from a comparative law perspective in selected non-African countries
Understand and apply theoretical approaches to equality and non-discrimination in a disability context.
The course is presented by lecturers who are drawn from a variety of countries and are experts in disability rights law.
Langue English
Pays Afrique du Sud
Ville Pretoria
Matériels utilisés
Date limite pour les inscriptions 24/02/2024
Procédure d’inscription Important Notice:

A high proficiency in English is required to attend this course. All lectures and materials are in English. Prior to applying for this course, please read through the information on the practical Information and the payment details pages.

Documents to be submitted:

Curriculum Vitae (short CV in PDF or Word document, maximum 3 pages, maximum 10 MB in file size)
One Letter of Recommendation (PDF or Word document, maximum 10 MB in file size)
Academic Records (students only) (combined in one PDF or Word document, maximum 10 MB in file size)
Frais de scolarité/Coût du séjour Participation in the course online is FREE of charge
Page d'accueil www.chr.up.ac.za/courses/ahrc/ahrc-disability-rights-africa

If you wish to share with us your experience with regard to this programme, please fill out this evaluation. Please note that evaluations are for OHCHR's internal use only.

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