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Nom International Human Rights Law Distance Learning Course
Type Enseignement à distance
Institution organisatrice
University of Nottingham. Human Rights Law Centre, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Etudes à distance
University of Nottingham. Human Rights Law Centre, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Fréquence Divers
Objectifs This course is designed to give an in-depth understanding of international human rights standards and of the UN and regional systems that implement them. It has both theoretical and practical dimensions, with an emphasis upon current issues.
Orientation de fond droits de l'homme
Contenu The modules are:
•UN Human Rights System
•Regional Human Rights Systems (African, European and Inter-American)
•Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
•International Refugee Law
•International Criminal Justice
•Current Human Rights Issues
•International Humanitarian Law
•Women's Rights
•The Rights of the Child
Langue English
Méthodologie utilisée Students access a Study Guide for each module for which they register. The Guide provides a programme of work for each of the eight weeks of the module. It has textbook material written for the module, plus the texts of treaties and other relevant source materials and key articles and book chapters. It also includes further reading lists and case studies, as well as self-test questions. Through the course website students are able to discuss the module online with teacher and with other students.
Matériels utilisés
Procédure d’inscription
Page d'accueil www.nottingham.ac.uk/hrlc/shortcoursesandtraining/distancelearningcourseinternationallhumanrightslaw/index.aspx

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