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Nom Human rights major (Bachelor of Arts degree)
Type Programmes d'études supérieures
Institution organisatrice
Southern Methodist University, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Institution d'exécution
Southern Methodist University, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Fréquence Annuel
Niveau ??graduate
Objectifs The Embrey Human Rights Program (EHRP) is an interdisciplinary program dedicated to providing opportunities for learning about and promoting human rights in the DFW area and in the world. The EHRP is located in Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences, and is directed by Dr. Rick Halperin, a life-long human rights activist and educator. It is overseen by an executive board made up of faculty, staff, and student members from across the University.
Orientation de fond droits de l'homme
Groupe cible Etudiants universitaires
Contenu The human rights major will offer two interdisciplinary tracks: one on gender and human rights, the other on public policy and human rights. “I have always believed that if you appealed to the better nature in people, and then offered them opportunities to put their passion into practice, that this degree would be a natural,” Halperin says. “It is beyond my comprehension that programs like this do not exist throughout this country, but at least it now exists here.”
Langue English
Pays Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Ville Dallas
Méthodologie utilisée Every student majoring in human rights will be required to participate in service learning and take SMU’s spring civil rights pilgrimage across the Deep South. In addition, travel opportunities will exist within the U.S. to study issues related to immigration, indigenous peoples and the death penalty. The program’s global travel experiences also will continue.
Matériels utilisés
Procédure d’inscription Contact information : https://www.smu.edu/Dedman/Academics/Undergraduate-Minors-and-Programs/Interdisciplinary-Studies/EHRP/Academics/MajorMinor
Page d'accueil www.smu.edu/Dedman/Academics/Undergraduate-Minors-and-Programs/Interdisciplinary-Studies/EHRP/Academics/MajorMinor

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