> Name
> Submit your institutions, programmes and materials
Organization type National institutions
Name New Brunswick Human Rights Commission
Address Barry House
P. O. Box 6000
City Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1
Country Canada
Phone number +1 506 453 2301
Fax number +1 506 453 2653
E-mail address hrc.cdp@grb.ca
Homepage www.gnb.ca/hrc-cdp/index-e.asp
Responsible person/contact Karen O. Taylor
Geographical focus Canada
Areas of expertise human rights
Working languages English
French (Français)
Published materials Droits et devoirs de nouveaux apprentissages de base en éducation.

Rights and responsibilities : the 4th and 5th R's education.

Vision for equality : a four-part video series.

Vision for equality : video series : workshop manual.

Vision pour l'e´galite´ : une se´rie vide´o en quatre parties.

Vision pour l'e´galite´ : la se´rie vide´o : manuel d'atelier.