> Público objetivo
> Someta sus instituciones, programas y materiales
Nombre Child Right, Classroom and School Management Phase II
Tipo Programas de formación
Institución organizadora
Lund University Education, Suecia
Institución ejecutora
Lund University Education, Suecia
Frecuencia Anual
Nivel ??professional
Objetivos The overall aim of the training programmes is to contribute to capacity development and processes of change in developing countries by offering key persons training. The International Training Programmes are specially designed for persons qualified to participate in reform processes of strategic importance on different levels and holds a position in the home organisation with mandate to run processes of change. In the long-term perspective the programmes should contribute to institutional strengthening and capacity development in the participants’ countries. Training is focused on support to individual or team plans for change.
Áreas de especialización derechos del niño
Público objectivo Administradores de educación
Contenido The training programme consists of five phases:
1. the first preparatory phase, takes place before the participants’ arrival in Sweden, will give all participants a starting point for the programme. During this phase the participants will contact the other team members, start working on an assigned task relevant for their home country in consultation with a mentor.
2. The second phase takes place in Sweden and it lasts for four weeks. The main content of the second phase will consist of studies in Child Rights, combined with study-visits to relevant Swedish institutions, including different schools. A project for change which should have a high degree of practical relevance for the participants and their home organisations, will be identified, planned and decided during their stay in Sweden.
3. The third phase consists of working with the project for change with regular assistance from the team’s mentor.
4. The fourth phase consists of a two week progress workshop in Uganda focusing on the project for change carried out by the country teams. The participants will be asked to develop, discuss and present plans for applying the programme content in their project for change. Study visits to former participants existing projects will also take place.
5. Sometime after phase four in Uganda, a follow-up visit will be conducted by the respective mentor in the teams’ home countries. This visit, together with the final report, which is to be written by the teams, constitutes the fifth and last phase.
Idioma English
País Suecia
Materiales utilizados
Requisitos de admisión Invited countries:
Africa: Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia,
Liberia, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique,
Namibia, Sierra Leone, South Africa,
Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia,
China, India, Indonesia, Sri
Lanka and Vietnam. Latin America:
Bolivia and Colombia
Coste de la enseñanza/Coste de alojamiento The costs of the training and travel will be covered by the Swedish government.
Página de Inicio https://itp.sida.se/itp/Programcatalog.nsf/0/390D1785233D080BC12578FB00283278?opendocument

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