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Name Child Rights Public Budgeting
Type Distance education
Organising institution
Human Rights Education Associates, United States of America
End date 20/03/2019
Objectives This short e-learning course introduces participants to concepts, principles, standards and practical examples of child rights public budgeting and monitoring. The course will address basics of child rights public budgeting and monitoring; the importance of budget transparency; obligations of governments; and possibilities for participation of civil society, including children.
Area of expertise children rights
Content Week 1: Basics of child rights public budgeting and monitoring – international examples of what it is, who does it and what they do?
Week 2: Transparency and participation in the budget process – why, when and how it is important in relation to child rights public budgeting, including international examples.
Week 3: The General Comment no.19 on public budgeting for the realization of children’s rights of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – its background, content and practical application
Language English
Methodology used This course involved three 90-minute webinars, reading materials, and a final assignment, and is offered over a three-week period. The webinars take place on Wednesday, 18 January 2017 from 14h00-15h30 UTC/GMT; Wednesday, 25 January 2017 from 14h00-15h30 UTC/GMT; and Wednesday, 1 February 2017 from 14h00-15h30 UTC/GMT (check your time zone off-set). The webinars will also be recorded.
Materials links
Delivered by Anna Schnell holds a Master in Economics and is a child rights specialist with particular expertise in the human rights approach to public budgets.
Degree/Certificate Certificate of Participation.
Number of participants 25
Application procedure Apply online : http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=feivmxlab&oeidk=a07edga3fm7534dbe11
Scholarship Unfortunately, there are no scholarships or discounted tuition fees available for this course.
Tuition/Accommodation Tuition fee: US$ 125
Homepage www.hrea.org/learn/elearning/child-rights-budgeting/

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