> Público objetivo
> Someta sus instituciones, programas y materiales
Nombre An introduction to child right
Tipo Enseñanza a distancia
Educación a distancia
Amnesty International - International Secretariat, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Objetivos welcome to Amnesty International’s introductory course on Child Rights! By the end of this course you’ll be able to:

Explain the scope of children’s rights

Describe government obligations regarding children’s rights

Analyse how children’s rights can protect children in a diverse range of circumstances

Apply a children's rights lens to your everyday life

Take action to promote and defend children’s rights
Materiales utilizados
Título, diploma o certificado otorgado Certificate of Participation
Coste de la enseñanza/Coste de alojamiento Free
Página de Inicio academy.amnesty.org/learn/course/external/view/elearning/221/an-introduction-to-child-rights

If you wish to share with us your experience with regard to this programme, please fill out this evaluation. Please note that evaluations are for OHCHR's internal use only.

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