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Name Environment and Human Rights
Type Distance education
Organising institution
Human Rights Education Associates, United States of America
Frequency Annual
Objectives This short certificate course jointly organised by HREA and the Human Rights Centre of the UN Mandated University for Peace focuses on the intersections of international environmental law and international human rights law. Participants will explore the foundations of both the legal regimes and analyse the theoretical and actual linkages between the two.
Area of expertise environment
Content Week 1: Foundations of international environmental law and human rights Law
Week 2: Linkages among environmental and human rights legal instruments
Week 3: Identifying stakeholders and analysing the impact of environmental and Human Rights violations on marginalised communities
Week 4: Evaluation of environmental and human rights legal strategies implemented at the institutional and structural level; legal empowerment strategies at the community level
Week 5: Popular education: Civil society organisations and implementation of human rights and environmental law education strategies for marginalised communities
Week 6: Paradigm shift in approaching violations of environmental law and human rights: From post-violation/post-conflict judicial reparations/resolutions toward adoption of preventive strategies for ensuring sustainable peace
Language English
Methodology used This e-learning course involves approximately 40 hours of reading, interaction with students and instructor on discussion boards, quizzes and webinars. The course is based on a participatory, active learning approach, with an emphasis on critical reflection and peer-to-peer learning.
Materials links
Delivered by Instructors: Diane Dunn
Degree/Certificate Students who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Number of participants The maximum number of course participants is 25.
Application procedure Apply online : http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=feivmxlab&oeidk=a07e704v11u0b2420d8
Admission requirements The course is intended for environmental and human rights academics, advocates, and practitioners who seek a balance of education and work at the institutional and community levels. Candidates should have a good written command of English and have high competence and comfort with computer and Internet use.
Scholarship Unfortunately, there are no scholarships or discounted tuition fees available for this course.
Tuition/Accommodation Tuition fee for participants: US$ 575; tuition for auditors: US$ 215.
Homepage www.hrea.org/index.php?base_id=794&language_id=1

If you wish to share with us your experience with regard to this programme, please fill out this evaluation. Please note that evaluations are for OHCHR's internal use only.

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