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Name International Human Rights Law (Foundation Course)
Type Distance education
Organising institution
Human Rights Education Associates, United States of America
Distance learning
Human Rights Education Associates, United States of America
Frequency Annual
Start date 02/11/2016
End date 13/12/2016
Objectives This certificate course jointly offered by HREA and the Human Rights Centre of the UN-mandated University for Peace introduces participants to the basics of international human rights law. The course is intended to not only build the foundations of the participants in international human rights law, but also as a foundation course for other HREA e-learning courses and to serve as a stepping stone for developing expertise in specialised areas of human rights law and practice.
Area of expertise international law
Content Week 1: History and Normative Foundations of Human Rights and the Emergence of International Human Rights Law
Week 2: The Politics of Human Rights and Beyond (Debates on Generations of Human Rights and Universality)
Week 3: They are Humans Too? (Human Rights of Vulnerable Groups)
Week 4: Collective Identity and Collective Human Rights
Week 5: Compliance and Enforcement of Human Rights
Week 6: Civil Society and Human Rights Advocacy
Language English
Country United States of America
Methodology used This e-learning course involves approximately 30 hours of reading, interaction with students and instructors on discussion boards, quizzes and webinars. The course is based on a participatory, active learning approach, with an emphasis on critical reflection and peer-to-peer learning.
Materials links
Delivered by Instructors: Frank Elbers and Mihir Kanade
Degree/Certificate Students who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Number of participants The maximum number of course participants is 25.
Application procedure Apply online : https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e7s5llay174070a0&oseq=&c=&ch=
Admission requirements The course is intended for (under)graduate students, staff members of social justice and development organisations, including development NGOs and UN specialised agencies. This course is recommended to those who would like to participate in other short and specialised HREA e-learning courses but lack sufficient background and knowledge of international human rights law. Candidates should have a good written command of English and have high competence and comfort with computer and Internet use. HREA and UPEACE aim to ensure equal gender and geographical distribution across the selected participants.
Scholarship Unfortunately, there are no scholarships or discounted tuition fees available for this course.
Tuition/Accommodation Tuition fee for participants: US$ 575; tuition for auditors: US$ 215.
Homepage www.hrea.org/learn/elearning/international-human-rights-law/

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